As of March 20, 2025, it is unclear if and when the Voice of America (VOA) radio and television broadcasts and online publications will resume following the implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order, Continuing the Reduction of the...
I published my op-ed in The Hill today (March 17, 2025) about the the Trump administration’s sudden, drastic and counterproductive action of shutting down all journalistic operations serving audiences abroad under the umbrella of the U.S. Agency for...
Summary Marek Walicki, Voice of America, circa 1990. Marek Walicki, a journalist and former broadcaster of the Polish Service of Radio Free Europe (RFE) and the Polish Service of the Voice of America (VOA), is the author of a book, Z Polski...
My new op-ed in The Hill includes comments on the latest barbaric attacks by Hamas terrorists on Israeli civilians—defenseless Jewish women, children, and the elderly. I discuss the hard-to-understand and explain defense of...
Cold War Radio Museum The new VOA relay station at Udorn, Thailand, began test transmissions in early 1993. When completed, this station will improve VOA reception in many parts of Asia.From Voice of America (VOA) QSL postcard, dated July 22, 1993...
Cold War Radio Museum The United States Information Agency (USIA) was created on August 1, 1953, by Executive Order 10477 issued by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. USIA served as the public diplomacy agency of the United States during most of...
Cold War Radio Museum The Cold War was almost over in 1989-1990. The Voice of America was looking for new ways to deliver news to Eastern Europe. The bilingual VOA Polish-English newscast was one of several projects initiated in the VOA Polish...