During World War II, the federal government’s Office of War Information (OWI), where Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcasts for overseas...
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Read/Listen/View allCold War Radio Museum In the early 1950s, the U.S. State Department launched its public diplomacy program called “The Campaign of Truth”...
Cold War Radio Museum The Crusade for Freedom was the name of an advertising campaign designed to get Americans to contribute money to Radio Free...
Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum What President Donald Trump said about the U.S. tax-funded, federally-run Voice of America (VOA) during his...
By Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum At one time during the Cold War, the taxpayer-funded, U.S. government-run broadcaster, the Voice of America...
Cold War Radio Museum By Ted Lipien Fidel Castro at MATS Terminal, Washington, 1959. Public domain. As reported by CNN and other media, Senator...