The first Voice of America broadcast in Russian aired from New York on February 17, 1947. Before that date, VOA did not broadcast in Russian or in Ukrainian, not even during World War II. Russian was the only major language missing in the VOA...
THE SHIP WITH A CARGO OF TRUTHTHE VOICE OF AMERICA’S first sea-going radio transmitter, the 5,800-ion U.S. Coast Guard cutter Courier, was termed a “valiant fighter in the cause of freedom” by President Truman in welcoming ceremonies held at...
In a new multipart series presenting many primary sources, the Cold War Radio Museum is looking at President Harry S. Truman’s “Campaign of Truth” (1950-1952) against Soviet propaganda and at problems with its implementation at the...
Cold War Radio Museum In the early 1950s, the U.S. State Department launched its public diplomacy program called “The Campaign of Truth” designed to counter Soviet propaganda using the Voice of America (VOA) and the State Department’s...
In a new multipart series presenting many primary sources, the Cold War Radio Museum is looking at President Harry S. Truman’s “Campaign of Truth” (1950-1952) against Soviet propaganda and at problems with its implementation at the...