Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum The March 25, 1951 Sunday edition of the New York Times had a review by journalist and writer Harry Schwartz of Elinor Lipper’s book Eleven Years in Soviet Prison Camps, in which the former Western...
Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum The Voice of America Program Schedule for November-December 1951 reveals a year of program expansion and programming changes at the U.S. government’s radio station for overseas audiences, which was managed...
By Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum Kathleen Harriman in U.S. Army uniform at the time she worked as a volunteer for the Office of War Information (OWI), the parent agency of the Voice of America (VOA). Kathleen Harriman Mortimer was an American...
Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum Alexander Barmine in an AP photograph taken in 1948 at the time of his marriage to Edith Kermit Roosevelt, granddaughter of President Theodore Roosevelt. AP copyright not renewed. Public domain photo in the Cold...
WWII Pro-Soviet U.S. Government Propaganda in Polish Was Spread in Pamphlets and Voice of America Radio Broadcasts by Ted Lipien During World War II, the Office of War Information (OWI) produced and distributed printed propaganda material in the...
Konstanty Broel Plater’s Office of War Information (OWI) Personnel Record Card. Cold War Radio Museum By Ted Lipien We know of only one Voice of America (VOA) journalist, Konstanty Broel Plater, who resigned from his job at the U.S. government...
By Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum Updated February 17, 2024 Marek Walicki, the former journalist of the Polish Service of Radio Free Europe and the Polish section of the Voice of America, is the author of Z Polski Ludowej do Wolnej Europy...
By Ted Lipien for Cold War Radio Museum After years of coverup and censorship of news about the Katyn massacre committed by the Soviets in 1940 on about 22,000 Polish military reserve officers, government officials, and intellectual leaders, the...
Cold War Radio Museum By Ted Lipien A partial answer to the question of why the Voice of America (VOA) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) had no Russian-language radio broadcasts to the Soviet Union until after the end of World War II...
Anti-communist atheist Bertram D. Wolfe discovered that Voice of America (VOA) English-language service writers could not write persuasively about religion in communist-ruled nations in the early 1950s. Religious programming was then and continues...