Cold War Radio Museum One of several Communists who turned anti-communist and exposed Soviet influence at the Office of War Information, the parent U.S. government agency of the Voice of America, was Oliver Carlson, an American writer...
Cold War Radio Museum THE OFFICIAL U.S. RADIOThe Voice of America must ever be conscious of the fact that it bears a great responsibility in being, and in everywhere being recognized as, the official radio of the United States Government. As an...
Mark Pomar’s new book about the Cold War political radio could help American government officials unfamiliar with the history of U.S. international broadcasting. By Ted Lipien Mark Pomar’s book Cold War Radio [Mark G. Pomar, Cold War...
Cold War Radio Museum On February 1, 1942, the first Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcast in German may have gone on the air. There has been some uncertainty as to the exact date when in February 1942 the first such VOA shortwave radio program...
Cold War Radio Museum The United States Information Agency (USIA) was created on August 1, 1953, by Executive Order 10477 issued by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. USIA served as the public diplomacy agency of the United States during most of...
Cold War Radio Museum The Crusade for Freedom was the name of an advertising campaign designed to get Americans to contribute money to Radio Free Europe which broadcast radio programs in various languages to the captive nations behind the Iron...
OPINION AND ANALYSIS Cold War Radio Museum By Ted Lipien Note: The article has been updated to include information that Heda Margolius Kovály had worked in the 1970s as a freelance reporter for the Voice of America Czechoslovak Service under a radio...
Cold War Radio Museum The recent death of Russian human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva brings into focus not only her contributions to improving the lives of millions of people but also the historic role played by the American...
Cold War Radio Museum Updated: January 2024 A State Secret Polish children from World War II Santa Rosa refugee camp, Guanajuato, Mexico. Source: Embajada de Polonia en México, Wikipedia. The date and photographer are unknown. CC BY 3.0. How the...
Cold War Radio Museum Former Polish President Lech Wałęsa said last year that in 1987 the then Vice President George H.W. Bush showed “he was a friend of Poland” and convinced him that Poland can get rid of communism. Former...